An old Irish proverb says that brick and mortar make a house, and children make a home. We agree – having children is fantastic, exciting, and fun. Parenthood is, at the same time, stressful because there are so many things, like, for example, child safety, that you have to think about continually and from day one till they go to college.
Most children are curious by nature, plus they are learning by using their senses. Therefore once they start crawling, your life turns into hell because they want to touch, see, and try everything. Of course, the biggest question that’s going around your mind how to keep them safe at home.
We know that it is entirely impossible to keep an eye on kids all the time or to run after them each time you think there is some kind of danger, or to shield them from everything.
Now, it’s not uncommon that children get a bit injured while playing both outside and inside the house. Generally, these little scrapes and bruises aren’t a cause for concern at all. But because the kids don’t understand the danger, they can get more severely hurt and require medical care. However, what most people don’t know is that it is entirely possible to prevent the majority of these injuries.
Everybody knows that the best way to prevent babies from crawling away to dangerous parts of the home is to put baby fence. What about other things you can do when baby proofing house?
In this text, you will find out everything you need to know about how to baby proof your house. Get ready and take your home safety checklist.
If you, like many others, think that you know all about safety rules for kids and how to baby proof, but we are here to tell you that there are high chances that you missed more than just one or two things. Studies show that most people know only some of the home safety tips.
We all hear these words like childproofing and baby-proofing the house, and they seem self-explanatory, but do you understand the difference.
Baby proofing includes all the measures you need to take before your baby is born, while childproofing your home provides everything you have to do before your kid starts moving on their own.
Here are the things on baby proofing checklist.

- Install smoke detectors
- Buy best baby breathing monitor. Of course, you can sit 24h in the kid’s bedroom. This will allow you to keep track of what is going on when you aren’t there.
- Set the temperature of a water heater to 120 °F or around 50 °C
- Stop smoking in the house
- Check for risks of led poisoning
- Make sure that all the equipment, especially the second hand is working properly
- Choose a safe crib
- Learn how to use all the products correctly
- Memorize the number of poison control
- Learn CPR
After looking at baby proofing tips, let’s see what we can find on the childproofing checklist.
- Install baby fence at the end and beginning of all stairs in the house
- Install best windows baby gate and baby fence in rooms where you don’t want your child to enter without you.
- Lock the drawers and cabinets
- Use a cooker cut off the device to prevent kids from getting burned
- Use a locking strap to secure the fridge, oven, dishwasher and other large appliances or furniture
- Cut all window blind cord
- Secure furniture to the wall
- Always check for small toy parts or other items on the floor
- Keep all poisonous things out of your kids reach
- Put baby fence at the pool
- Store weapons properly in the locked safe. Keep in mind that it is always best to keep unloaded guns in one place and bullets in another.
- Put baby fence around the fireplace.
Why is Child Safety Important?
Keep in mind that our intention is not to scare you but rather to warn you. When we raise the question of the importance of child safety and ask people whether they are sure about all safety tips for kids, they react in two ways. Some start to panic while others are overconfident about how much they did and how well their kids understand things. None of these is okay. Freaking out never did any good to anyone, and there is no need for it because you still have time to prevent accidents. Being overconfident and thinking that its enough to baby fence risky areas or that your child knows not to play with matches or put fingers in power outlets can be dangerous. As we said, they are curious. The fact that you explained to your toddler a hundred times not to do something doesn’t mean they won’t do it when you aren’t looking just to see for themselves if you are right.
Some people would probably think that it’s all exaggeration and that they didn’t have any of these things, not even best baby fence, and everything turned out okay. Indeed that’s true, most children live through childhood without having any major accident. However, when you look at the statistics, it becomes clear that if we want to do everything in our power to arrange safety for babies, we need to think about much more than a baby fence.
It is important to know all child safety tips for parents day and night because injuries that happened at home are among the most common reasons why you will end up in the ER with your kid in the middle of the night.
The fact is that each year around 2000 children age 14 and younger die because of injuries that occurred at home. They are mainly caused by fire and burns, suffocation and choking, firearms, falls, poisoning, and drowning. We feel the need to emphasize that drowning and airway obstruction (choking and suffocation) are leading causes of death of younger children. If we count it older teenagers and young adults, the statistics are even grimmer. According to the CDC, around 12,000 children and young adults age 1-19 die each year from accidents that could have been prevented.
What is Considered an Unsafe Environment for a Child?

Accidents do happen, and it is virtually impossible to predict everything that can go wrong and to continually keep an eye on the kid. Growing up, we were all falling now and then while playing both outdoors and indoors. Often it’s not a big deal as everyone can handle some bumps and bruises. It’s part of growing up. Nevertheless, as you could see, the problem is that some accidents that didn’t need to happen can be severe and, in some cases, fatal.
In the section above, we wrote about the measures you need to take to create children’s safety at home. If you fail to set rules for kids at home and just put a baby fence in a few places, then it can easily be said that your house isn’t safe for children.
What Are Risk Areas?

Incredibly people don’t think about the bathroom being a dangerous place for kids. However, a large number of slips and falls happen there. Moreover, drowning in the tub isn’t as uncommon as you might think. Also, children like to play with their toys while taking a bath. They might use the hairdryer in a bathtub full of water. It is essential not to leave them unattended.
The kitchen is full of dangers – knives, appliances, chemicals, stoves, and so on. It is challenging to say what is more dangerous. All these things have to be kept on high and out of reach places, so the kids can’t find them, create a baby-proofing kitchen for your kid..
If you want to prevent your kids from touching the burners on the stove, you can put a baby fence or use a stove guard.
Living Room
The most significant danger in the living room is from furniture and television sets that can fall over the kids. A lot of kids are climbing on top of the closets and other pieces. Therefore they can fall. Another element that you need to pay attention to is the fireplace. Putting baby fence is the best way if you want to know how to childproof a fireplace.

You may believe it or not, but around 100,000 children are brought to the Emergency room each year because of the injuries they got from falling down the stairs. You might think they won’t go down the stairs on their own, but we assure you they certainly will because they see it as a challenge and are curious about it. You need to equip your home with wall mounted baby fence for the top and pressurized baby fence at the bottom if you want to make sure your baby doesn’t roll down the stairs.
Something that calls special attention in the bedroom is window blinds. They usually have cords that freely hang from the window, and this can be hazardous for children. Also, if babies sleep in their bedroom, there must be no pillows or covers in the crib.
How to Prevent Most Common Injuries?
The best way to prevent injuries is to apply all safety for baby measures — the same counts for older kids.

- Keep them away from all heat and fire sources, think about fireplace baby safety.
- Keep them away from all types of chemicals
- It doesn’t matter when can baby swim – never leave them in the bathroom or close to the pool unattended. Babies can start learning to swim when they are just 6 or 7 weeks old but it doesn’t mean they should be left alone near water.
- Prevent them from entering the kitchen.
- Always check for loose blind and curtain cords
- Use baby fence to protect the areas where you don’t want your kid to go
- Secure all the furniture in the house so it cannot fall
What Are Childproofers Things and Do They Really Work?
Now when it comes to storing chemicals, whether medicines or cleaning detergents away from children, people are often wondering are childproof containers really childproof?
We tested various models to see how effective are childproof containers and locks. According to our findings, two years old children could do anything with them, but kids from 3 years old onwards managed to find ways to open the containers and locks. This leads us to the conclusion that they are not perfect for making sure that your kid doesn’t reach things that can cause poisoning.
It is okay to use these containers, but you also need to make sure that they are placed somewhere where the child can’t reach it to be completely confident about doing everything that you can.
We want to say once again that we, at parenthoodroutine, don’t have an intention is not to cause panic but rather to make you aware of all the things in your home that can potentially harm your kids. House needs to be a haven, and it is recommended that we do everything that we can to make it possible. What child safety precautions, if any, do you have in your house?